Home Business 5 Tips to Choose Colocation Server

5 Tips to Choose Colocation Server

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There is mind-boggling competition on the internet. For making their website better than the competitor, all the businesses are leaving no stone unturned for their websites to ace the competition. One such major factor for companies to take into account is its Server. To cater to different types of server requirements, the server providers are coming up with various services and different kinds of servers to suit to every type of budget and every kind of website requirement.

The server providers provide services which are as good as completely customized services. There are managed VPS services, colocation services, shared hosting services, and many more. Of these services, one of the traditional colocation services.

Here is a complete guide to Colocation server:

Colocation Server- What it means?

By server colocation, it means that the data center rents out the space for servers and other computing devices. The colocation server provides the whole business center with good bandwidth, security, both digital as well as physical (as the server is at the user’s end), and good storage. Space is leased by racks, cabinets or rooms.

When you have huge data, you need to have your web server. To smoothen your hosting functionality, you should ideally go for colocation services. You can always go for web server hosting at home, but the efficiency you get at the disposal of having colocation services is unmatched.

Colocation Server- What are its advantages?

Colocation services are hugely popular because of the great features it offers:

Greater internet speed: If you have a website that has huge traffic every day, no business internet plan or unlimited home plan will suffice the required speed of the internet required. Having colocation server is your sole option. A colocation server provides very stable and fast internet connectivity.

Increased Bandwidth: On implementing colocation server, you can easily scale your website traffic. There will be no congestion on the server as colocation servers provide great power.

Power protection benefits: The circuitry of colocation web server providers has a capacity of producing and providing power to hundreds of another web server. The service providers also have backup powers generators which are capable of providing power to the web server for days in case of power outage. Home UPS can never do this.

Security: Since the servers rest at your office, the servers are physically well protected. The physical security includes physical locks on the doors, timely patrol by the security guards, and biometric access to the servers.

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Cooling: All the web servers heat up a lot while they function. The heating can lead to adverse effects like fire and short circuits. The colocation service providers provide cooling to the servers preventing the overheating of the server and its burning. It thus facilitates the working of the server at its top capacity.

Colocation Server: Tips for choosing the right option:

Colocation servers are very expansive but all the features it offers to justify its costs. So if you are looking for colocation services, and want a great deal out of it, here are five steps that will guide you to make the most of Colocation servers:

1. Consider the power density that will be required:

When you are going through the offers of the colocation servers, take into account that your requirements are going to increase with time. Also give a thought to the fact that over the time, the providers are going to cater more number of clients. This means they should have a good power generation infrastructure at their end.

2. Network carrier redundancy:

Colocation service providers should have various alternate carriers. Having different carries effectively has advantages regarding pricing structures and reliability that if one carries fails, another one can be used.

3. Documentation:

While finalizing on the colocation server providers, you need to have documentation in place from the beginning. You should not wait until the end of the discussion to ask and finalize on the terms. Flexible master service agreement (MSA) and service level agreements (SLAs) should be duly signed and agreed on by both the parties.

4. Have a well-defined plan for disaster mitigation:

While choosing the provider you need to focus on the recovery plans they have for any data miss place or any other disaster. Many providers claim for recovery, but in reality, their action plan is not concrete. It is important to analyze their action plans in case of overheating or loss of data.

5. Futuristic approach:

While deciding on the colocation provider, you need to have a futuristic approach. Technology changes every day, and for you to be aligned with the changes in technology, your web server should be future ready. Try to understand the future policies of the providers and decide which one suits yours.

Colocation servers have several advantages. You need to figure out the best scheme for you which is in your budget and fulfills all you present and future requirements.

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